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CBKA 2023 Yearbook available to Members


On Falling In Love At The BBKA’s Annual Meeting…


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Asian Hornet , Quiz


Pollen Chart

An invasive non-native hornet originally from Asia. A highly aggressive predator of native insects, posing a significant threat to honey bees and other pollinators. Accidentally introduced to France in 2004 where it spread rapidly. In 2016 the first UK sighting was confirmed in Gloucestershire.

Asian Hornets are now here in the UK.

Help stop their invasion.

Non-Native Species Secretariat, (email:, should be notified of sightings.

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ASIAN HORNET Vespa velutina

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Other dates for your diary:

Thursday 15th August 2024, 7.00pm

   New Starters’ Evening.

Next Branch Meeting

Thursday 18th July, 7.00pm

Apiary Meeting at Hatton Lodge. Location details will be distributed to members prior to the event. Please contact the Secretary if you wish to attend as a visitor.

There is a nominal meeting charge of £1 & attendees are required to sign a register and must be adequately protected with a veil etc. Refreshments are provided.

   5   Visitors welcome!