The other four branches are Mid-Cheshire, South Cheshire, Stockport and Wirral.
A member of Cheshire Beekeepers’ Association elects to be registered with one of
the branches upon joining.
The branches have developed to serve the membership more effectively as the number
of beekeepers in Cheshire has grown. Each has its own annual programme of events
to which members registered with other branches are welcome.
The North Cheshire branch generally covers an area extending between Chester, Northwich,
Knutsford, Lymm and Warrington with monthly meetings held at Frodsham Community Centre
or a member’s apiary during the ‘flying’ season.
Anyone can join the Cheshire Beekeepers’ Association. There are various membership
classes to suit individual circumstance. Keeping bees is NOT a pre-requisite.
The Membership Form gives full details.